Angela Hoppe Kingston
Angela Hoppe Kingston
Born Mumbles, Swansea, lives in Llantwit Major, Vale of Glamorgan
1955 – 1958 Studied painting at the Bath Academy of Art, Corsham
1958 Awarded BAA Travelling Scholarship
Member- The Welsh Group 1977 -
Hon.Member The Royal Watercolour Society of Wales 1973-
(Chair 1991 – 2000)
Member Women’s Arts Association Wales
Collections New Hall Art Collection, Cambridge
Wolfson College, Oxford
Glynn Vivian Gallery, Swansea
Cork University, Ireland
Artist Statement
"The only constant is that everything changes.
No man ever steps in the same river twice
for it's not the same river and he's not the same man."
Greek philosopher
My work is based on my surroundings - plants growing and their relation to place. I have always found inspiration from plants in my garden, especially flowering plants. The 'Garden' series have evolved from a deep understanding and perception of flowers growing together in their own natural tangle.
The 'Plants and their Place' paintings looking at plants and where they grow in relation to the landscape, focussing on their environment and geology of place. Using collage to abstract the essential elements.
Throughout the Covid years and "Lockdowns" the awareness of the importance of climate change to the existence and survival of world plants was magnified and I started a new series of work based on research and detailed observations of my garden trees, Ginkgo biloba, Silver Birch, and Sycamore. Initially I work in sketch books, drawing, writing painting, selecting and proceeding by elimination, using collage to express the ambience of essential elements, creating its own space.
Using garden finds to make 'Installations' during these Covid years, and to link with the new work on my garden trees.
"To proceed by elimination - to know how to discard,
that is the great technique of selection"
"...the result of discarded finds"